
Skal sannheten sette deg fri?

Vi liker å tenke at sannhet gjør fri. Men kan det være at det er påskebudskapet som gjør det mulig? Først publisert i Dagen 15.04.19. Forkortet versjon publisert i VG 01.04.18. Hvis dere blir i mitt ord, er dere virkelig mine disipler.Da skal dere kjenne sannheten, og sannheten skal gjøre dere fri.– Jesus (Joh 8,31b-32) Nest etter Julius Caesar, er trolig Pontius Pilatus…
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What is holism in environmental philosophy?

Holism is usually contrasted with the reductionism usually associated with the rise of Western science. It is indeed often motivated by what many perceive to be the insufficiencies of an atomistic or reductionist approach to metaphysical and ethical propositions, in that…

Nietzsche on morality without God and English flatheads

They are rid of the Christian God and now believe all the more firmly that they must cling to Christian morality. That is an English consistency; we do not wish to hold it against little moralistic females a la Eliot. In England one must rehabilitate oneself after every…